THE TECHNOLOGY Installed on the exterior of any piping system or pipe material, the
HydroFLOW unit employs a ferrite ring to induce an oscillating 150 kHz
radio frequency that penetrates the pipe wall and travels both upstream
and downstream from the point of installation. The water within the
piping system, acts as a conduit to propagate the signal throughout the
system, conditioning the water and protecting the system, whether it is
moving or stationary. Testing has proven that the HydroFLOW signal is
more efficient and effective than similar water conditioning technologies.

HydroFLOW units are available to fit pipe sizes ranging from 1.5” to 72”
outside diameter.
SCALE PREVENTION Scale forms from minerals that are dissolved in the water. When the water becomes supersaturated (due to changes in temperature, pressure or pH), the minerals precipitate as hard scale on piping and equipment surfaces, impeding heat transfer, reducing efficiency, and blocking flow.

The HydroFLOW signal induces the dissolved minerals to cluster and precipitate as a fine powder that remains in suspension and does not adhere to piping and equipment surfaces. The suspended particles are washed away with the process flow.

Existing scale is re‐mineralized, softening over time, and erodes away leaving a clean surface that is free of scale.
BIOFOULING Contamination by bacteria and other biological material is known as biofouling. Biofouling is a major problem in industrial and commercial systems. In recirculating water systems bacteria can build up to problematic levels and can be very difficult or expensive to treat with chemicals. Additionally, bacteria cling to pipes and heat exchanges surfaces to form biofilm which reduces heat transfer and blocks process. HydroFLOW technology inhibits bacteria and algae without the use of chemical disinfectants, such as Legionella. The HydroFLOW signal deploys an electric charge and utilizes the process of osmosis to force water into bacteria and algae, disrupting their natural functions and rupturing their cell walls. The HydroFLOW signal also causes biofilm to dislodge from pipe and equipment surfaces, which is then easily filtered out of the water system.

In laboratory testing, HydroFLOW has demonstrated a 99.7% kill rate in recirculating systems after 1 hour of exposure to the HydroFLOW signal
CORROSION PROTECTION HydroFLOW technology protects piping systems and equipment due to the “skin effect” of the oscillating signal. The RF signal passing along a metal pipe creates a coaxial magnetic field, forcing free electrons to migrate to the exterior of a piping system (i.e., the “skin effect”), interfering with the electro‐chemical chain reaction necessary for corrosion to occur. Within a carbon steel piping system, the signal creates a reducing environment, promoting the Formation of Magnetite in low temperature, oxygen‐rich applications, such as cooling towers. As a hard dense layer on the piping interior surface, the magnetite protects the carbon steel substrate from oxidation.

Additionally, the HydroFLOW signal inhibits the growth of SRB colonies and Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC). Slow‐moving or standing waters are prone to the development of bacteria, particularly SRBs, since these areas are not well penetrated by disinfectant chemicals, and flow turbulence is not available to dislodge biofilm.

The HydroFLOW signal is propagated throughout a piping system, regardless of the flow velocity, penetrating and protecting slow‐moving or standing channels from bacterial growth, inhibiting and/or preventing MIC.
ENHANCED FLOCCULATION A filtration system is only capable of removing particles to according to its rated size. Settling or dewatering operations require coagulants and polymers to increase particle sizes to achieve filtration and clarification objectives.

The oscillating HydroFLOW signal suppresses or neutralizes the surface charge on suspended particles, allowing them to coagulate and agglomerate with less polymer or coagulant. In strictly filtration applications, filtration efficiency of existing equipment, particularly in recirculating system is increased by a factor of 3, allowing finer particles to be removed, without the need for coagulants.

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